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The Risks of Performing No Testing or Minimal Testing

Author: Rahul Parwal

Last updated: October 1, 2024

not testing software
Table of Contents

Most businesses & startups test their ideas and products in a variety of ways. Some common methods include conducting market research, launching pilot projects or beta versions, and gathering feedback from potential customers. This is an effective strategy to refine products and ensure they are meeting the needs of their target market. Although getting the ideas tested by customers is a good strategy, getting the actual product feedback directly from them can be a recipe for disaster. The purpose of this article is to explain the importance of testing, as well as the risks associated with performing minimal or not testing your software.



Introduction: The Importance of Testing

Let us first understand the importance of testing before we examine the risks associated with minimal or no testing. Performing testing on your project is like putting a safety net around it. Before releasing your product, this can help you identify potential challenges or issues and inspire your team to find better solutions.

Testing is an important part of software development and deployment. It helps to ensure the quality of the delivered product and detect potential issues that may arise after the product has been released. 

Testing can help you to: 

  • Identify bugs 
  • Address security vulnerabilities
  • Increase user satisfaction
  • Avoid unknown pitfalls
  • Advocate for business risks
  • Increase the sellability of the product
  • Verify if the product holds true against its marketing claims
  • Reduce the risk of costly rework or recalls and much more

To put it simply, it is an essential step in the software development process and can help to ensure that the product meets the user’s needs and expectations.

“The problem is not that testing is the bottleneck. The problem is that you don’t know what’s in the bottle. That’s a problem that testing addresses.”

Michael Bolton – Software Testing Consultant & Co-Author of Rapid Software Testing



The Risks of Not Testing or Performing Minimal Testing

Let’s look at the risks & potential quality costs associated with little or no testing; as Phillip B Crosby, a popular author on quality management, says, “The motivation for improving quality always begins with an understanding of the cost of quality.” 

Like health, quality is often an afterthought. While you can get by without much testing in the early/beta stages of your product, building scalable and complex products without any testing safety net becomes increasingly difficult. When you are involved in product development and your product development strategy does not include any or very little testing, you are very likely to encounter the following risks:

1. Poor Quality: Without an appropriate testing strategy, there is no way to ensure the quality of a product or system. A product or system that isn’t tested or is not tested enough can have unexpected errors and bugs. A quality product is what every customer pays for in the end. You can lose revenue and sales as a result of a low-quality product.

2. Security Vulnerabilities: With strict data privacy guidelines being enforced by the local and national government authorities, it is very important to protect your systems from any form of data as well as vulnerability attacks. It is crucial to conduct security testing to ensure that the system is secure and not susceptible to malicious activity. 

3. Increased Maintenance & Support Costs: Product development is never a one-time job; it is an iterative process. It is extremely important to ensure that the new changes or additions have not been disruptive to existing features when releasing incremental software builds. Testing lets you know this quickly. For example, if you have a robust test automation suite, you can integrate it with your CI system for real-time feedback. The ability to identify and fix problems before they become problems at the customer’s end is impossible without testing. As a result, maintenance and support costs often shoot up in such cases.

4. Poor User Experience: User experience is often the most ignored aspect of software products. Product features can be sold once, but user experience and ease of use sell the product in its subsequent cycles. It is possible for the user experience to suffer without proper testing. A product or system that contains bugs or has usability issues can be difficult to use and could result in user migration as soon as there is a comparable product in the market. 

5. Poor software performance: In today’s era of scalable and web-based systems, it is important that your software is optimized for good performance. In today’s fast-paced world, the customer is unforgiving when it comes to page load times, image rendering, and server response times. Performance engineering and performance testing are both involved here. When software is not tested for performance and load, it may not perform as expected, resulting in user dissatisfaction and decreased productivity.

6. Compromised data integrity: I was looking at my bank statement yesterday and found the currency sign for an international transaction to be wrong. Your customer can often become confused and frustrated by such minor mistakes. If the software isn’t properly tested, data may be lost or corrupted as a result of inaccuracy in storing, processing, and retrieving data.

7. Unreliable features: New features are always a double-edged sword. Despite everyone’s desire to woo the customer, if not tested properly, they can instantly turn off everyone. Users may become confused and frustrated if features do not work as expected due to insufficient testing. 

8. Unmet customer expectations & standards: Without proper testing, the software may not meet the customer’s expectations, resulting in customer dissatisfaction and a loss of business. Additionally, it is also difficult to ensure that the software is meeting regulatory or industry standards.

Pretty good testing is easy to do (that’s partly why some people like to say ‘testing is dead’– they think testing isn’t needed as a special focus because they note that anyone can find at least some bugs some of the time). Excellent testing is quite hard to do.

James BachSoftware Testing Consultant & Founder of Rapid Software Testing



Conclusion: Adopt a Testing Strategy for Your Business

Knowing the risks associated with no or low testing, you need to develop a testing strategy that aligns with your business needs. In case you are new to testing, it is recommended that you seek the opinions of experts in this field and prepare a testing strategy based on your business needs, contexts, and future goals. 

There is no one-size-fits-all when it comes to testing. The testing strategy you develop should be aligned with the short- and long-term goals of your business and technology. Here are some key benefits of having a well-aligned testing strategy and implementation:

  • Improved quality
  • Increased productivity & faster release cycles 
  • Reduced support & Maintenance Costs
  • Improved customer satisfaction & experience
  • Increased engineering efficiency and much more

“Quality is free, but only to those who are willing to pay heavily for it.”

DeMarco and ListerAuthors of Peopleware

For all our visual readers, I have summarized this entire article in this mind map.

I appreciate you taking the time to read this article. I hope this article has helped you better understand the risks of no or low testing as well as the importance of having a business-aligned testing strategy. Our next article will discuss factors to consider when reviewing a testing strategy.


Rahul Parwal

Rahul Parwal is an expert in software testing. The recipient of the 2021 Jerry Weinberg Testing Excellence Award and Synapse QA’s Super Voice Award, Rahul has collaborated in testing IoT systems such as Unit, API, Web, and Mobile as Senior Software Engineer at ifm. Aside from holding webinars, conferences, and talks, he regularly shares on Twitter, LinkedIn, and his website.