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Give MuukTest a 30-day test run

Results are what matter when you're talking about QA, and selecting a partner is no small decision. Our QuickStart pilot program is designed to get you up and running with MuukTest in 30 days. Here's how it works:

  • 30-day pilot program that gets you to at least 50 tests built, automated, and running in your release workflow
  • A MuukTest QA Architect will analyze your application and prepare a thorough test coverage analysis and matrix
  • After aligning on priorities, we'll automate and run the tests
  • If you're not completely satisfied you can simply cancel and keep the tests, prices start at $2,000


"MuukTest helps move the product along faster. Working on the regression projections ensures our product is more stable with the calculations. I think the value is just peace of mind."


Taylor Perkins
CTO and Co-founder


“In the proof of concept, MuukTest delivered exactly what they said they would deliver. This gave me a higher level of confidence in the test coverage and my software. ”

Ernie Hudson
Director of Product & Technology


"MuukTest found things that we didn't know were even a problem in the product, which is huge for us. I'd rather MuukTest find something than a customer, even if it's minor."

Wendy Murry