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Pricilla Bilavendran

Pricila Bilavendran is a test engineer and a certified mentor, currently at Billennium, as well as an advocate for diversity and inclusion. Her experience with Functional, EDI, ETL, Automation, API testing and Postman is part of what she shares in her workshops, webinars, and writing. A global ambassador for the WomenTech Network, and one of the speakers at its 2023 conference, she can be found on LinkedIn, Twitter, and her blog.

software test maintenance techniques

Software Test Maintenance [Checklist & Techniques]

Hello there, in the last blog, we discussed the fundamentals of test maintenance. Test maintenance is a vital, yet often overlooked, activity in any software development life cycle. There are many...

test maintenance

The Introductory Guide to Software Test Maintenance

What is Software Test Maintenance? Developers don’t usually talk about Software Test Maintenance unless something terrible happens. During our Software Testing Life Cycle (STLC) phases, we often...

chaos management in software

Chaos Management in Software: A Guide on How to Conduct it

Introduction to Chaos Management The Oxford Dictionary defines chaos as “a state of great confusion and disorder; turmoil.”

challenges in api testing

Common Challenges in API Testing and How to Handle Them

Welcome back to another interesting blog about API testing. You might need to start testing your APIs at some point, and there are some considerations before getting started.

API testing types

8 Types of API Testing for Reliability & Efficiency

Hopefully, you’ve enjoyed the previous articles on everything related to APIs: what they are, their life cycle, and where this kind of testing fits in the development process. This blog post will...

API lifecycle

Lifecycle of an API

Due to the evolution of the API-first companies like Stripe, Shopify, or Twilio, there has been a lot of attention to APIs in recent times. Thus implementing/adopting those APIs requires a...

api testers glossary

API Tester's Handbook: Essential Lexicon

We all know that API Testing is getting more attention nowadays. Almost every technical job description requires API testing experience.