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How to Avoid That Nasty Feeling of Customers Finding an Ugly Bug

Author: Pricilla Bilavendran

Last updated: September 2, 2024

avoiding bugs in software
Table of Contents

Hello there!!

As we all know during software testing we uncover bugs in functionality, requirements, user flows, data, user experience and interface, etc. We put strenuous effort to avoid leaking bugs to production. In most cases, it’s inevitable to face some unpleasant scenarios. However, even the most experienced software testers can sometimes miss bugs, and nothing feels worse than when your boss notices that a customer found an ugly bug that made its way into production. We cannot ensure a pure bug-free product, but we can do our best to arrest important bugs that hamper the product's functionality. To do this, we need to follow a certain set of procedures and processes.  

In this blog post, we'll look at various ways that software testers may take to avoid that unpleasant experience and ensure the delivery of quality products and applications.



Understanding the Impact of Customer-Facing Bugs

Customers have high expectations about the products delivered. So try our best to deliver the best of the best. And we cannot deny the fact that customers are smart and they know what they want. Whether it’s a functionality-related or user interface-related bug, the customers are going to be frustrated. Customer-facing defects not only impact individual customers but might have long-term effects on a company's reputation. In today's hyper-connected world, negative experiences can quickly spread through online reviews, social media, and word-of-mouth, preventing potential buyers and spoiling the brand's market position.


Preventive Strategies To Catch Bugs Before Customers Do

We, as a team, can implement some strategies to avoid releasing bugs to production. Before we go into particular methodologies, let me highlight the significance of thorough testing in software development. A thorough testing approach can considerably reduce the likelihood of critical problems falling through the cracks and affecting end users.


Strategies for Better Bug Catching Process

    1. Implement Comprehensive Test Plans: Having a detailed test plan with in-scope and out-scope helps us to test efficiently. Mentioning all the risks and assumptions helps to focus on the critical and vulnerable areas.
    2. Adopt Automated Testing: Automated testing in multiple layers could help us arrest the bugs in earlier phases. 
    3. Utilize Code Reviews: Code reviews are one such practice that helps us to find crucial bugs earlier. Try implementing the code reviews and it helps to avoid leaking bugs to customers.
    4. Conduct Regression Testing: In the current agile environment, change is inevitable. So to accommodate the changes, we should implement continuous regression testing for every release/build.
    5. Use Monitoring and Logging: Some bugs are kind of creepy. They are sporadic. We cannot spot it easily, but it can hamper critical business flows and make losses to customers. In such scenarios, monitoring the application under different circumstances could help us with the statistical data which in turn helps to provide more information on the application behavior. After monitoring, the details are logged, which makes it easier to debug the bugs. 
    6. Cross Team Collaboration: Proper communication across the upstream and downstream applications, helps us to test holistically. 
    7. Prioritize User Experience Testing: Think like a User and Act like a User. This helps us to uncover the usability issues, design flaws, and other bugs that impact the end-users. Acting like the end user helps to uncover potential defects.
    8. Stay Updated with Industry Trends: With these current evolving trends, it’s good to stay ahead with learning new tools, methodologies, and best practices emerging regularly. Connecting with like-minded people, industry experts, conferences, and webinars gives immense knowledge of the latest trends. By staying informed, you can adopt the latest techniques to improve your testing process and deliver error-free products.

What to Do When a bug Is Leaked to Production?

After all the hard work and tireless nights, there are still some defects in the application or the product. Bad things happen right? We cannot avoid them, but we can learn to tackle the situation properly by handling them well. Let’s see in detail how can we handle the production bugs efficiently. 


  1. No Blame Game: We are all humans, so blaming individuals or different teams for the production bug is not going in any way.
  2. React Faster and Smarter: Try to fix it ASAP and test immediately. If possible we can deploy to production the same day.
  3. Lessons Learned: After the incident is resolved, consider sharing learnings and improvements made to prevent similar bugs in the future. This shows customers you are committed to continual process enhancement.
  4. Root Cause Analysis: Do an RCA, and make sure to add new tests to the regression suite.


Effective Communication with Customers About Bugs

Once it’s happened, we know the ways to sort and fix the mishap. At the same time, we should learn how to communicate bad news to our customers to avoid misunderstandings. 

Transparency is Key: Be upfront and transparent about bugs or defects that we encounter. Give precise, honest information about the defect, its impact, and the steps or workaround being taken to resolve it. Avoid downplaying or hiding bugs, as this can erode customer confidence.

Timely Updates: Keep customers informed throughout the incident response process. Provide regular updates on progress, estimated timelines for fixes, and any workarounds or temporary solutions available. Prompt communication helps manage customer expectations.

Be Empathetic: Be patient, understanding, and empathetic when communicating with customers when communication about the bug. Acknowledge the frustration bugs can cause and express sincere regret. Indicate that you value the customer's experience and that you are dedicated to finding a solution.

By practicing to these recommendations you can transform potentially unpleasant bug scenarios into chances to improve client relationships via open, sympathetic, and informative communication.



Conclusion: Embracing a Proactive Approach to Avoid Customer-Facing Bugs

Every service provider targets bug-free software to keep their customers happy and maintain the brand reputation. Practically, bug-free is not possible even after rounds of thorough testing. It need not be a big functionality issue, it could be some trivial issue. We can incorporate the above measures to avoid critical defects and address them before they reach the customers. This includes developing rigorous testing processes, utilizing automated technologies, and cultivating a quality assurance culture across the development and testing lifecycles. In certain scenarios, it’s unavoidable and some bugs are leaked to production. Don’t get nervous and lose your cool. Just handle the scenario with more openness and smartness. Everything can be fixed. 


Wishing you a great release ahead! 


Pricilla Bilavendran

Pricila Bilavendran is a test engineer and a certified mentor, currently at Billennium, as well as an advocate for diversity and inclusion. Her experience with Functional, EDI, ETL, Automation, API testing and Postman is part of what she shares in her workshops, webinars, and writing. A global ambassador for the WomenTech Network, and one of the speakers at its 2023 conference, she can be found on LinkedIn, Twitter, and her blog.