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In-house QA team

empowering teams with ai

Why Empowering Teams with AI Benefits Software Testing

Artificial Intelligence is reshaping industries and software testing is no exception. By automating tasks, analyzing complex data, and enabling smarter decision-making, AI is empowering teams to...

Team Leadership and Effective Management

Mastering the Art of Team Leadership: Effective Management Insights

What is leadership? It is a huge question with a wide spectrum of answers related to it. Can anyone become a great leader? Well, it depends. There have been excellent leaders we know of today and...

Hiring QA Testers

What to Look for When Hiring QA Testers

Quality assurance (QA) testers play a pivotal role in the software development lifecycle. They evaluate software to identify bugs, issues, and areas for improvement, ensuring applications deliver a...

make your first qa team hire

Dedicated QA Team: A Practical Guide for Software Quality

Wondering when to hire your first dedicated QA team? Learn the pros and cons of different QA approaches to make an informed decision for your business.

cross-team communication

Understanding Each Other: How Cross-Team Communication Can Be Improved

The world is racing ahead and you don’t want to be left behind. So many theories and processes are developed, discussed, and applied to stay at par in this race, but effective communication is often...

Can a Software Engineer Become a Product Manager

Can a Software Engineer Become a Product Manager?

Software engineers and product managers (PMs) work closely together to create in-demand tech products. Product management can seem like a natural next step for software engineers who are ready for a...

agile vs jira

Agile vs. Jira: A Guide for Engineering Leaders

The adoption of Agile methodologies in software development has grown significantly over the years. Selecting the appropriate project management tool that aligns with Agile principles, fosters...

muuktest vs hiring qas

MuukTest: Reimagine Your Software Testing Strategy

Compare MuukTest with traditional QA hiring to find the best fit for your team. Discover how MuukTest can streamline your testing process efficiently.

new engineering leader

What New Engineering Leaders Need to Have in Mind to Ensure Success

First of all, congratulations on landing this new leadership role! There’s so much to bring from your previous experiences as well as learn from this new position. Before we deep dive into the 90-day...

embrace automation

Quality is Everyone’s Job: How to Get Your Dev Team to Embrace Automation

In an attempt to maximize efficiency, many organizations are asking Developers to contribute more to the testing effort, blurring the lines of responsibility between “Development” and “QA”. After...