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impact of poor software quality

What Happens When Testing Goes Wrong? The Impact of Poor Software Quality

Any testing process is fundamentally an information-gathering and learning process. As a stakeholder in the product, testing permits you to obtain early feedback about the system to make informed...

October 1, 2024

saas testing

Why SaaS Testing is Crucial & How to Better Test SaaS Products

SaaS customers are essentially paying for the convenience of using a vendor’s software without the responsibility of maintaining it. Essentially, what this means for developers is that they need to...

October 1, 2024


A Quick Guide for Selecting a Managed Service Partner for Quality as a Service (QaaS) 

In today’s world, software is integral to nearly every aspect of business and life— from smartphones and tablet computers to financial institutions and aircraft control systems. Software companies...

October 1, 2024

Test automation ROI

Benefits of Measuring Test Automation ROI (And How to Do It) 

Test automation is rapidly growing in popularity, allowing more complex software to come out faster and better than before. Automation cuts costs, saves time, and improves the accuracy of many tests,...

October 1, 2024

5 Software Quality Assurance Trends & Best Practices

5 Software Quality Assurance Trends & Best Practices

Software development markets demand faster, bigger, and more accurate software all the time. In most industries, these three elements represent a zero-sum game, whereby increases to one detract from...

October 1, 2024

What is quality assurance in banking and financial services

What is Quality Assurance in Banking & Financial Services?

As the banking world shifts towards more remote and less physical, cloud infrastructure, cyber-security, and user experience reach new levels of significance.

October 1, 2024

importance of software quality assurance

The Importance of Software Quality Assurance & Best Practices

The importance of quality assurance in software development has never been greater. As software penetrates every aspect of our lives, it’s more critical than ever that it remains trustworthy, easy to...

October 1, 2024

software best practices

The Software Testing Best Practices that Ensure Quality

Software testing comes in countless forms, each used at different stages of the dev process. It can be broken down into countless subdivisions, but ultimately, testing is a part of the overall QA...

October 1, 2024

QA Managers

How QA Managers Can Be Relevant in Modern Testing Times

Agile has become the standard for many companies in the past few years. As a result, the job requirements of QA managers became more demanding. Although the traditional roles are gone, managers still...

October 1, 2024